DCF Answers the Call

Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

One of many things the "Kids" First school board directors campaigned on was bringing back trust in the leaders of the district.  But have they? 

Have these newly elected school board members done anything to earn the community's trust?  To earn the trust of their staff?

In preparation for the Jan. 25 Board of Education meeting, a collective group of 21 middle and high school principals, 31 elementary school principals and 13 central administration staff signed and delivered a letter to the school board.  Director David Ray presented the letter, which showed solidarity for the Equity Policy as it was originally written, during the meeting.  These highly qualified, very knowledgeable district leaders wanted the Equity Policy to remain in tact as written and stood against the proposed Resolution presented at the BOE meeting.  

Director Peterson acknowledged the receipt of the letter, ignored it and pushed through the Resolution, confirming his lack of regard for staff's opinions.

Douglas County Federation (DCF) recognized this action for what it was: a dismissal of the expertise and knowledge of school staff and the dangers of getting rid of an inclusive school environment.  To gauge the concerns of their membership, DCF sent a survey out. This was the result:

With concern for the impact the potential loss of staff would have on DCSD, DCF responded with a letter of their own supporting the Equity Policy as it was written and stated:

"The rejection of the District Leaderships overwhelming support of Board Policy ADB, Educational Equity, is a direct affront to this community and the students and staff who engage with each other on a daily basis."

DCF is holding a rally on Thursday, Feb. 3 at 1:00pm outside the Wilcox building in support of Educational Equity, requesting that the school board follow Sunshine laws and Board policies and that teachers be allowed a seat at the table.

The question remains...can we trust that these newly elected leaders have the best interests in mind for our staff, schools and, most importantly, our students?


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