When They Keep Showing Us Who They Really Are, It’s Time We Believe Them
“Even if we suspend our disbelief and presume that CPAN’s intentions are to support public education and uplift teachers, the rhetoric from their featured speakers at the event and the organizations they recognized with “Champion Awards,” demonstrate that CPAN is anything but a public education supporter.“
What Does it Mean to “Dismantle” Public Education? Intentional Misinformation and Moral Panic Campaigns
“The intent of gaslighting with this coded language is to make individuals feel that talking about actual discrimination and oppression is somehow “wrong” and creates a “victim mentality” among those experiencing actual oppression.”
Why DCSD Parents are Gravely Concerned
“To some, these fears may seem like an overreaction to a national tragedy; however, this fear is based on legitimate actions and affiliations of our new DCSD BoE Directors and Superintendent.”
Book Banning and Educational Gag Orders
“While book bans in the United States may seem new, this is actually a century-old trend in our public schools. These “educational gag orders,” which are government limits put on topics of teaching and learning, have been seen in various iterations.”
Extremist Groups Infiltrate DCSD
“The Independence Institute and FAIR have voluntarily joined forces with FEC United (the radical, right-wing extremist group led by Oltmann who embraces election conspiracy theories…”