When They Keep Showing Us Who They Really Are, It’s Time We Believe Them
“Even if we suspend our disbelief and presume that CPAN’s intentions are to support public education and uplift teachers, the rhetoric from their featured speakers at the event and the organizations they recognized with “Champion Awards,” demonstrate that CPAN is anything but a public education supporter.“
When Politics Enter the School Board
“This ricocheting of policies is destabilizing to the entire public education system. Superintendents are changed, district “directions” are altered, and teachers and parents are tensely awaiting the next fluctuation in angst. This is no way to function as a large system.”
What Does it Mean to “Dismantle” Public Education? Intentional Misinformation and Moral Panic Campaigns
“The intent of gaslighting with this coded language is to make individuals feel that talking about actual discrimination and oppression is somehow “wrong” and creates a “victim mentality” among those experiencing actual oppression.”
Making sense of it all: An analysis of the documentation surrounding the Corey Wise termination controversy
With the recent release of this information and the continued denial of wrongdoing in this press release, we continue to wonder, can this board majority be trusted?
Community Conversation - Let’s Get Real About Passing a Bond/MLO
“Superintendent Kane and the new board majority need to change their current ACTIONS (starting with the school board majority following the law) as soon as possible to increase the probability of a B/MLO passing this fall. Words are not enough.”
DCSD continues to elude transparency: A Reformer from the Fagan regime, a charter school activist and “Kids First” campaign supporter, quietly hired for leadership positions
“…these two recent district leadership-level hires are a red flag that trust and transparency are once again being put on the back burner in Douglas County.”
Why DCSD Parents are Gravely Concerned
“To some, these fears may seem like an overreaction to a national tragedy; however, this fear is based on legitimate actions and affiliations of our new DCSD BoE Directors and Superintendent.”
A Deep Dive - DCSD Superintendent Finalists
“In all the ways that Winsor is straightforward, Erin Kane is an enigma.”
The Two (Three?) Superintendent Finalists
“For a brief moment, it looked like there might have been three finalists…”
A Tale of Two Superintendents
“When division and instability plague a community, misinformation abounds. It can seem impossible to find the facts and truth when people intentionally try to muddy the waters.“