When Politics Enter the School Board
“This ricocheting of policies is destabilizing to the entire public education system. Superintendents are changed, district “directions” are altered, and teachers and parents are tensely awaiting the next fluctuation in angst. This is no way to function as a large system.”
What Does it Mean to “Dismantle” Public Education? Redirecting Funds, Charter Schools and Vouchers
“This could have long-term consequences for our democracy if students are left without learning ways to model, exiting public education without the skills gained by civil discourse and discussion.”
School Vouchers: It’s My Money, Right?
“When the next voucher program is introduced, it will be called something like “Choice Coupons,” or “Tuition Tokens,” or something else innocuous that doesn’t include the word “voucher.” But that’s what they’ll be, and no amount of wordsmithing will change that. Don’t fall for it.”