When They Keep Showing Us Who They Really Are, It’s Time We Believe Them
“Even if we suspend our disbelief and presume that CPAN’s intentions are to support public education and uplift teachers, the rhetoric from their featured speakers at the event and the organizations they recognized with “Champion Awards,” demonstrate that CPAN is anything but a public education supporter.“
When Politics Enter the School Board
“This ricocheting of policies is destabilizing to the entire public education system. Superintendents are changed, district “directions” are altered, and teachers and parents are tensely awaiting the next fluctuation in angst. This is no way to function as a large system.”
Community Conversation - If You Think Sex Education Is “Grooming,” You’re Part of the Problem
“Study after study conducted in countries around the world have proven that sex education can help prevent teen pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, child sexual abuse, create safer spaces for LBGTQ students, and reduce relationship violence.”
Misinformation Mayhem: Satanic Panic 2.0
“Now here we are in 2022, and instead of satanic cults lying in wait in every small town in America, it’s teachers wanting to “groom” your children lurking in every classroom in the country. It’s all too familiar, isn’t it?”
Separating Fact from Fiction in DCSD’s Educational Equity Policy
“This Resolution and directive to review the equity policy is the result of targeted misinformation and moral panic campaigns.”
What Does it Mean to “Dismantle” Public Education? Intentional Misinformation and Moral Panic Campaigns
“The intent of gaslighting with this coded language is to make individuals feel that talking about actual discrimination and oppression is somehow “wrong” and creates a “victim mentality” among those experiencing actual oppression.”
What Does it Mean to “Dismantle” Public Education? Casting Educators and Teachers’ Unions as the Bad Guys
“By lowering the standards for teacher qualifications, two messages are loud and clear – first, teachers are not professionals; and second, lowering the quality of public education is acceptable.”
Collective Bargaining: “NOT a Self-Licking Ice Cream Cone”
“So in denying teachers this supposed “self-licking ice cream cone” of a collective agreement, what is the ultimate goal? The hidden agenda and ultimate goal is to destroy public education through subjugation, humiliation and denial of the rights of our hard-working teachers.”
The Misinformation Spread
“Extremism has no place in DCSD; Peterson and the entire BoE need to be more representative of our district’s values.“